Mental Health Matters


Mental Health Matters- Tips & Techniques to Improve Your Well Being

Having good mental health is essential. You need to maintain a sound mental state to be able to carry out every day work. It is important to first build a good state of mind and then work on improving it. There are tips and techniques that boost your mental stability. Here’s a list of some them that you may familiarize yourself with:

          Build good relationships


          Value yourself



          Enough sleep

          Seek help

          Realistic goals

          Seek help

          Learn to cope with stress

          Be grateful

Building good relations

It is important that you relate well with people who are close to you. You need to be more close to your family members, friends, classmates and/or workmates. By doing this you will be able to keep your mind active. Besides good mental health, there are lots of other benefits that both you and all people around you will realize.

Exercise and maintain a good diet

What really causes mental illness?

Evidence shows that depression and anxiety are the two major causes of mental illness. Stay mentally healthy and physically fit by engaging yourself in regular exercises. Exercise helps in the better flow of blood to the brain and thus enhances its function.

Beside exercise, you need to maintain a good diet. Eating healthy food helps boost your mental state. Avoid harmful substances like illicit drugs and alcohol. Intake of alcohol, cigarettes and other commonly abused substances may deter the well-functioning of your brain. Maintain good mental health by regularly visiting your doctor for mental check-ups as well.

Value yourself

There’s power in self-perception. Having a good image of yourself is vital. Do not allow anyone to shutter the image you hold of yourself. Having low self-esteem can make you feel downcast and may result in poor mental health. Avoid the company of individuals who tend to criticize you negatively. It is important to believe in yourself. Surround yourself with people who encourage you when you fail. Respect yourself first before expecting respect from others. Spend more time on what you like doing most. This way you will be boosting your mental health.


You can try this method when you feel that some choices are overwhelming. State of indecisiveness may make one become very frustrated. Too much frustration eventually leads to poor functioning of the brain. Meditation means that you spend some time listening to your mind, concentrating on your heart desires and finally being able make informed decisions. When you meditate you get a peaceful mind and thus improve your mental health.

Seek therapy

When you talk about your problems with someone, you get relieved. When that someone is a therapist, the relief can double.

It’s advisable that you visit a therapist when you feel some issues are hard to handle. Sharing your problems with a therapist will help you get solutions. The trained therapist will understand your situation once you open up to them. Then they will give you advice based on informed opinions and past experiences with similar problems. With such therapy, you stand to find solutions to most, if not all of your problems. And this will significantly boost your mental health. 

Get enough sleep

Take enough rest after long hours of work. We love sleeping, but some circumstances may deny us enough sleep. Loads of work should not deny you good sleep. It should not compromise your health as well. Poor sleep patterns lead to emotional imbalance, which in turn results in adverse mental health issues. Ensure that your sleep pattern is regular and sufficient.

Seek help

It is not advisable to keep problems to yourself. Some people may consider seeking help as a weakness. They are wrong about it. Actually, seeking help means that you are strong enough to face challenges. The specialists whom you can get advice from our doctors and therapists. Join support groups as well. In the groups, you will get to hear of other people’s stories and finally get a solution to yours. People have recovered from mental health problems by attending therapy and support group forums.

Realistic goals

Work towards getting achievable goals. You should make goals that are realistic to avoid frustrations. Failing to achieve the set goals is one of the many causes of mental health problems. You, therefore, need to ensure your well-being by doing yourself the favor of keeping your goals achievable. When you achieve your goals, it makes you happy and proud of yourself. Be sure to get assistance from a coach when setting your goals.

Break monotony

Doing the same thing from time to time exhausts the mind. It also makes your mind dormant. A dormant mind does not grow, it retards instead. When involved in hard work that requires much engagement of the mind, it is advisable to take occasional breaks. During these breaks, take light exercises. You may jog, talk with colleagues, walk among other options.

Learn to cope with stress

Almost everyone has gone through some stressing moments in life. No one has a completely smooth life. Therefore, you should know how to deal with stress, such that when you experience such moments, you are able to handle them. From research, spending time with people, smiling and taking nature walks reduce stress. The above ways help your body and mind to relax. Reduce mental health problems by engaging in stress relieving activities.

Be grateful

Becoming content with what you have reduces stress. This is one way of improving your mental well-being. Rather than focusing on the bad side, you need to focus on the good side of life. Look at those milestones that you have achieved rather than failures in your life. Feed your mind with the positives. This will help you reduce frustrations.


Good mental health is a personal choice. You can choose to live positively and avoid poor mental health issues. As a close person to a person with stress, you can always play a role in their lives. Helping others to achieve their goals, encouraging them and feeding them with good opinions will help them achieve good mental health.

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