Wherehab Blog

The Safe Place
Saul Kane shares his experience with helping addicts and the struggles someone over coming addiction goes through. Learn about addiction.

On the Path to Recovery? You Can Thrive in 2018 with These Tips
Paths to Recovery? You Can Thrive in 2018 with These Tips, Wherehab helps you in find your path pre and post recovery. Learn More

Pay Per Fail: The Florida Shuffle
An article that explains the cycle of unethical facilities and how treatment centers and clients are set to fail. What the Florida shuffle looks like.

Reconnect with Reality – 6 Effects of Substance Abuse
The effects of substance abuse are serious. Read this article by wherehab.com and learn what your doing to your body. Its important to know.

Long Term Treatment is Proven More Effective
Long Term Treatment has been proven more effective, but insurance payers still only want to pay for thirty days of treatment.

Until it’s You – A short story -Narcan
Do you think saving drug addicts is a waste of resources? Well what if it was your loved one that was save how would you feel then?

Mental Health Matters
Mental health is a huge part of recovery learn about it and how to improve it. Sleep meditation, therapy, and many other components can affect you. Mental Health Matters

An Alcoholic’s Experience with Depression
Saul Kane shares on his experience with depression and being a member of 12 step fellowship. He shares how helping others and saved his life.

Rehab Marketing: Google Restricts Addiction Ads
Google is now restricting addiction Rehab marketing to help protect those who seek sobriety. Searching for rehabs must be a process that is trustworthy.

Raising a Child as a Single Parent
Raising a Child in Recovery – Written by Saul Kane – Florida- Wherehab Blog – Learn about Recovery and parenting. Saul Kane pours his heart out.

The brain gut theory, learn how drinking first affects the intestines before it harms the liver, brain, or mental state of an individual.

In Times of Crisis; How do I fold laundry, or sit through a meeting when life is falling apart?
Ways to cope with crisis that help build lasting sobriety. Dialectal behavioral therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, and more.