Wherehab Blog

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The Neuroscience of Gratitude: How Cultivating Thankfulness Transforms the Brain

Gratitude is more than just a fleeting feeling of appreciation; it’s a transformative practice that can reshape the brain and enhance overall well-being. Recent research in neuroscience has shed light…

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The Hidden Costs: How Marijuana Abuse Hinders Emotional Healing and Growth

In recent years, marijuana legalization and decriminalization efforts have led to shifting attitudes toward cannabis use. While some view marijuana as a harmless recreational substance, its effects on emotional well-being…

  • Addiction
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Breaking the Cycle: The Healing Journey for Children of Alcohol Abuse

Despite the profound challenges faced by children of alcoholics, there is hope for healing and recovery. The journey toward healing is not linear and may vary for each child, but…

  • Addiction

The Silent Victims: How Alcohol Abuse Impacts Children

Alcohol abuse doesn’t just affect the individual consuming the alcohol; it has far-reaching consequences that extend to their loved ones, especially children. While the effects of alcohol abuse on adults…

  • Drugs

Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

Death penalty for drug dealers? The death of a loved one that should’ve been avoided is a piercing pain that sits in your soul. Drug addiction is still the leading…

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Historical Number of Deaths During Covid – How to Cope With the Tragedies

I was visiting my friend at her farm in New York, when chatting over a cup of morning coffee, I got a call from a former patient. “Hello, Donna, Samantha…

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What does it mean to be in Recovery?

What does it mean to be in recovery? Are you switching addiction to replace the previous or have you found happiness and stability?

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When You Should Use Alternative Recovery Methods

In 1988, a study done by Randall M. Jones and Barbara Hartman found that nearly 13,000 adolescents in identity diffusion or still trying to figure out “who am I?”

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Identity development

In 1988, a study done by Randall M. Jones and Barbara Hartman found that nearly 13,000 adolescents in identity diffusion or still trying to figure out “who am I?”

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Why Drug Treatment Fails

Why Drug Treatment Fails by Dr. Donna Marks, she analyazes the diagnosis process and how treating the addicts symptoms is not healing the core problem.

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Can Parenting Prevent Addiction

Can parenting prevent addiction? The nature vs. nurture argument how to help chidlren cope with emotions so they don’t turn to compulsions.

  • Treatment Care

Insomnia In Early Recovery

Insomnia in Early Recovery is normal and ok. Battling this huge triggar esspecially at night when there is less to distract you can be scary