Alcoholic or Addict?
Can I be just an addict?
Time and time again I meet people who hit their knees due to hardcore drugs, and they realized drugs ruined their life. These people frequently believe drugs are the problem, but alcohol is “ok” though. Can I be just an addict? What am I an addict or alcoholic? How does one make this person understand: No! alcohol is a drug, and it can kill you. The side effects of crystal meth, crack, and heroin may arise much quicker and take you to a bottom rapidly, but if you’re a “true addict” your a “true alcoholic”. I advise people to imagine the scenario that all the drugs in the world evaporated and only alcohol was left, then I ask them “how often would you drink?” and nine times out of ten they say all the time. Alcohol when abused has terrible effects on the body, and it is one of the few drugs that can kill you during a detox. Alcohol is a drug by all standards, and the addict’s obsession to one day drink is an illusion. After years of consequences and hurt relationships really only someone who is an addict/alcoholic would take the risk of consuming any substance. The risk-reward factor is too great.
Many people struggling with drug addiction have relapsed on alcohol, and they may have not abused alcohol in the past, but their impaired judgment from a few drinks told them it was ok to use drugs. The disease of addiction is a fatal one- we are not safe. The people selling drugs are lacing them with toxins that can immediately cause death. The people protecting our country want addicts to be removed from society. Our family is either enabling us or detaching completely. The people we call our friends in addiction are usually addicts and use us for some sort of benefit, and many times we reject the existence of a higher power. It’s a lonely life to live and in my opinion, the opportunity to drink on occasion just doesn’t level up to the risk involved.
If you are new to sobriety and think that drinking will work out, I welcome you to try it and report back on your experience. I will pray you to make it back alive even though I know the chances are slim. If the obsession to drink at your wedding or on your next trip to Los Vegas outweighs the risk, then you probably aren’t ready anyway.
Hanna Marks
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